After holidaying on the Mani Peninsula in Greece 4 years ago, Ginny and Tony fell in love with the area and have since been back seven times! Their dream is to find the perfect property that they can retire to permanently, so they’ve called on the house hunting talents of Laura Hamilton to find them the best option that their £230,000 budget can buy. Laura has 5 terrific options lined up but will any make the grade and result in an offer?
Mani Peninsula
What's the appeal?
The Mani Peninsula is a wonderful mixture of beautiful coastline and rugged mountains – and even though it’s become more popular with holidaymakers in recent years, until the 1970s many of its towns and villages could only be reached by boat. As well as tourism, the Mani is known for its olive oil and its iconic stone architecture, many of its houses resemble forts or watchtowers.