MGM building more ski homes in France

MGM building more ski homes in France

French property developer MGM is expanding its activities into new areas of the mountains this year as it starts construction work on a record 11 new ski resort schemes in the French Alps.
Many of these French properties – like the recently announced new residence de tourisme La Grange aux Fees in Valmorel, a ski resort within the Grand Domaine area of the French Alps linking the Tarentaise with the Maurienne – are little-known to Britons although French people regard them as popular year-round holiday locations.
Earlier this month MGM launched another French property development in the centre of Villard de Lans, a traditional and lively agricultural town in the heart of the Vecors mountains just 30 minutes drive from Grenoble Airport.
The development features 92 apartments, all expected to be ready for occupation by the end of 2012, with prices starting from £156,000.
“The spectacular scenery and breathtaking views make this a very special place,” says Richard Deans, sales consultant in MGM's London office. “It's one reason why Villard is popular for a host of outdoor activities ranging from hot air ballooning and mountain biking to golf, paragliding and tennis.”
In winter Villard attracts skiers of all abilities, from beginners to advanced. The resort offers 28 ski lifts providing direct access 130 kilometres of downhill skiing on 32 individual pistes from altitudes up to 2,170 metres where snow levels are reliable.
To read our guide on buying in France, click here.


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