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Fathom Realty

Susan Benante REALTOR®, RSPS, ABR, NHCB, CLHMS is a Global Real Estate Advisor located in Orlando, Florida - who specializes in both luxury vacation and residential home ownership.  Susan is a TOP SELLING AGENT at Fathom Realty working alongside her son, Jon Morgan-Bentick REALTOR®.  Together they handle both sales and rentals predominantly in Osceola, Polk, Lake and Orange Counties of Central Florida.

Originally from London, England Susan is an advertising and marketing wiz, focusing on the ever growing national and international internet and social media skills that we have come to expect agents today to be competent in, in this digital age.  She makes successful real estate websites, home tour videos, professional & unique real estate brochures and more, utilizing many other useful real estate advertising & marketing skills in order to get your home sold in the quickest amount of time possible, for the best price and terms!  

For home buyers, expect this Realtor to fight your corner every inch of the way and not leave one dime on the table. 

Susan is known for carving out great deals for her buyers!

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